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XBOX (Original)

XBOX Error Codes Explained

When an error occurs, you will see an error during the normal boot up sequence. Instead of your booting the…

When an error occurs, you will see an error during the normal boot up sequence. Instead of your booting the MS dashboard or Custom Dashboard (Evox, UnleashX, Avalaunch, etc.), there will be a message on the screen that says, "Your XBOX Requires Service" and you will see a number on the upper left-hand corner of the screen. This is your error code number. 

NOTE: you will not see the bootldr (Boot Loader) error's as they are othe cause the rebooting and FRAGs (Flashing Red and Green LEDs)

2 - bootldr - EEEPROM check failed
When you see this error most of the times you have flashed something incorrectly or you dropped solder on your EEPROM chips/traces.

4 - bootldr - RAM check failed
One or more of your XBOX ram chips have failed. Maybe you have a bridged solder connection. Note, if they are failed, removing solder won't fix them). Maybe you were static when you touched the ram chips. They are sensitive.

5 - kernel - HDD not locked (The retail XBOX BIOS require the hard drive to be locked)
When you replace or upgrade your hard disk drive for one that is larger it must be locked. The original (also called "Retail") hard drive is locked by MS. This locking process uses information that is on the motherboard. The "Lock" on an XBOX hard drive contains information that is based on the hard drive itself and the motherboard it came with. The only time this error should occur is when you boot up your XBOX and you have a hard drive in your XBOX that is not yet locked. 

6 - kernel - Cannot unlock HDD
It means you are trying to boot up the XBOX with an hard drive that is locked in combination with a different motherboard than you are using it with right now.

7 - kernel - HDD timeout
Most of the times, the IDE cable is not properly connected when you see this error. Please reattach the ide cable. Not only to the hard drive but also to the DVD drive. Also try to reconnect the ide cable to the motherboard.

8 - kernel - No HDD found
Please make sure your XBOX HDD is attached properly. Most of the times the Ide cable came loose or isn't seated properly in the IDE port of your hard drive. Also make sure the power supply cables are intact and working.
Make sure the ide cable is also connected properly to the rest of the hardware (DVD and motherboard).

9 - kernel - HDD parameters (PIO/DMA/or size {debug}, certain size minimum is required for debug)
Not very common error, please try another hard drive.

10 - kernel - DVD timeout
Actually, it's almost the same as error 6/7/8. But also make sure the yellow (Sometimes also grey and or black) power and control cables are properly connected to the motherboard and the DVD drive.

11 - kernel - No DVD Found
Same as #10

12 - kernel - DVD parameters (PIO/DMA)
Same as #10

13 - kernel - Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed.
In the EEPROM chip there is a kernel which is incompatible with the dashboard (4920)

14 - dashboard - Error loading dashboard (dashboard generic error)
Same thing as above (error 13). This time it is also a little mistake from you on changing names or having played around with files on the XBOX hard drive. Error 14 is most often because you changed boot orders or names of startup files on the hard drive.

16 - dashboard - Clock cannot be set.
Error 16 has to do with not finding the menu setting with which you can set the clock of the Hard Drive. This happens to a lot of people that erase their HDD (original/upgraded) or MS dashboard files and after that they don't immediately install the HDD but leave the XBOX without power longer than 5 hours.

20 - kernel - The dashboard was attempted to load and failed
It was a cold boot, and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed, but it (for some reason) needed to be noted that the DVD passed the challenge/response authentication.

21 - anywhere -
This error says that the machine was booted to display a error, basically someone told the machine to reboot (or launch a xbe) with this flag, and the error code just means it's been rebooted by the flag.
This occurs frequently when the XBOX is unable to boot due to dashboard changes being made.

Why Won't DVD Drive Eject?

As the system ages. The effects of wear and tear begin to set in. In the case of the DVD…

As the system ages. The effects of wear and tear begin to set in. In the case of the DVD drive eject problems that you may experience. The root cause is issue generally one or two things.

1. The DVD Drive Belt. As pictured below this rubber belt will loosen and slip or begin to crack and break. This is what drives the gears that ultimately open / close the DVD drive.

2. Gears are not turning for whatever reason. Generally old grease mixed will dust will gunk up and cause the gears to stick. 

Although some DIYers are comfortable with performing this operation, we do offer disk drive repair services. Click the menu items: Services > Game Consoles > Microsoft > XBOX (Original) for details and pricing.

Using Mod Chips, Custom Firmware and Custom BIOS Legally

Although we cannot tell you what to do. We request that all customers that have a mod chip or custom…

Although we cannot tell you what to do. We request that all customers that have a mod chip or custom firmware installed to continue to use it for legal purposes only. CGC Repairs may be required to install one in order to fix an issue with your equipment. For example:

The XBOX is now over 20 years old and obtaining replacement parts has proven to be difficult or near impossible. If the hard drive was to fail we may need to install a mod chip to support installing a new Hard Drive.

XBOX 360

XBOX 360 Error Codes Explained

The specific type of hardware failure can be determined by a "hidden" error code.* Turn the xbox 360 on, and…

The specific type of hardware failure can be determined by a "hidden" error code.

* Turn the xbox 360 on, and wait till the 3 red lights are flashing.
* Press and hold the sync up button (the small white one), while holding that button press the eject button.
* The LEDs will now blink the first number in the code (as described below).
* Release the eject button and press it again.
* The LEDs will now blink the second number of the code.
* Release the eject button and press it again.
* The LEDs will now blink the third number of the code.
* Release the eject button and press it again.
* The LEDs will now blink the forth number of the code.
* Release the eject button and press it again.
* The LEDs will go back to the 3 red flashing lights.

You should be able to determine the difference between the 3 flashing lights and the error code lights by the rate in which they flash.

Here is how you interpret the LEDs to get the code number:

* All four lights flashing - 0
* One light flashing - 1
* Two Lights flashing - 2
* Three lights flashing - 3

0001 - power supply problem

0002 - Network Interface problem

0003 - Power problem could be the PSU could be the GPU/CPU, somehow the console isn't getting clean power from the power supply.

0010 - There is a problem with the Southbridge Chip usually dealing with how it connects to the mainboard (cold solder joint/bridged solder joints)

0011 - CPU over heating - If you are receiving this error after disassembling your console make sure to all 8 of the heatsink screws are tightened securely to the board/heatsink holes.

0012 - GPU over heating -ensure your x-clamps are installed properly.

0013 - RAM over heating

0020 - GPU Malfunction, similar to error 0102

0021 - This can be caused by two completely different things either:

A. DVD Drive Time out - Can be caused by problems with a firmware flash. This is also speculated to sometime be caused by a problem with the southbridge chipset on the motherboard based on how it connects to the DVD drive.

B. GPU error, generally caused by a poor connection to the mainboard (cold solder joints/bridged solder joints) See error 102 for more information.

0022 - CPU error, generally caused by a poor connection to the mainboard (cold solder joints/bridged solder joints). This can also be triggered by an error with the TSOP.

0023 - Not yet known.

0030 - Problem with temperature control0032 Not yet known.

0033 - Not yet known.

0100 - Not yet known.

0101 - Not yet known.

0102 - Error in the CPU, GPU or RAM, this is usually caused by a cold solder joint between the GPU and the mainboard.

0103 - GPU Error this is usually caused by bridged solder points where the GPU connects to the mainboard. See error 0102 for more detailed information.

0110 - RAM error, this is caused by a cold or bridged solder joint on one of the Ram chips.

0200 - Not yet known.

1000 - Kernel can't be launched/signature in NAND Flash chip is broken! It could be possible after bad update. This might also be caused by a bad SATA cable.

1001 - DVD Drive Error, either incorrect firmware or DVD Time out.

1002 - DVD Drive Error, likely a firmware error, drive can eject, read, and write under windows but errors on console, replacing original firmware should fix issue.

1003 - Hard Drive Error. It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive.

1010 - Hard Drive Error. Can be caused by a corrupt or missing EEPROM. See also E68 above.

1011 - Not yet known.

1012 - Not yet known.

1013 - Not yet known. possibly a dashboard update error

1020 - Not yet known.

1021 - Not yet known.

1022 - There is high chance it's a scaler chip problem (the "ANA" or "HANA" chip near the AV cable connection) it can also be caused by a faulty AV cable so check that first. In some cases it is a problem with the GPU and may be repairable by doing the x-clamp replacement (see error 0102)

1023 - DVD drive not connected.

1030 - This error deals with the Ethernet port's controller chip, a dead chip may not cause the error but removing the Ethernet controller chip does, it may also be caused by other Ethernet related problems.

1031 - Not yet known.

1032 - Not yet known.

1033 - CPU, GPU related, or it could be PSU related, not much info is known.

1100 - Wrong LDV version in NAND Flash. This is in the latest dashboards versions. You have the update but haven't R3T6 resistor. You can:
-Downgrade to old dashboard, solder back the resistor and then update your xbox
-If you have CPU Key, get current NAND Flash image and fix LDV (just add 1 up to latest kernel). (see error E80)
1444 - There is no "4" in the error codes four lights is a "0" go back and check your code again.

Error Number & Possible Solutions:
E64 - DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, DVD is without f/w chip, etc.
E65 - DVD Drive Error.... DVD Timeout, Wrong firmware, DVD is without f/w chip, etc. This can also be caused by the tray not being fully closed on boot.
E66 - DVD Drive Error: DVD model, or version does not match that of the version expected by the dashboard. OR the firmware version on the drive is older then the firmware version expected by the dashboard. Make sure the DVD drive is of the same version originally included with the console and that it is using either the original firmware included with the console or newer.
E67 - Hard Drive Error... It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it
E68 - Voltage Error... This error means that the Xbox 360 has insufficient power to function properly. This can be caused by an error in the hard drive or the fans that make them suck up too much power, it can also be caused if you have unnecessary accessories attached to the console like an external fan unit. Attempt to remove unnecessary accessories first, and then necessary components such as the hard drive and USB devices. If you have any case mods you may want to investigate those as well.
E69 - Hard Drive Error... It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it
E71 - Possibly a dashboard update error. Check below in the "Console Reset Codes" for instructions.
E72 - Error with the NAND flash
E73 - General Hardware Error: Ethernet port... this error is caused by a problem with the Ethernet port.
E74 - There is high chance it's a scaler chip problem (the "ANA" or "HANA" chip near the AV cable connection) it can also be caused by a faulty AV cable so check that first. In some cases, it is a problem with the GPU and may be repairable by doing the x-clamp replacement (see error 0102)
E76 - This error deals with the Ethernet port's controller chip, a dead chip may not cause the error but removing the Ethernet controller chip does, it may also be caused by other Ethernet related problems.
E79 -Hard Drive Error... It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it.
E80 - Wrong LDV version in NAND Flash. This is in new dashboard. You have the update but haven't R3T6 resistor. You can:
-Downgrade to old dashboard, solder back the resistor and then update your XBOX
-If you have CPU Key, get current NAND Flash image and fix LDV (just add 1 up to latest kernel). (See error 1100)

If you suspect a HDD problem, in all cases, remove the HDD and boot the Xbox 360. If it works or runs fine without it, the HDD is defective.
Removing the HDD also puts less stress on the power supply and may only temporarily remedy the problem.

The power supplies and CPU overheating are the cause of 75% of the problems listed above for the release day XBOX 360s. If you suspect a power supply issue, and you have or know of a console that is not giving errors or other problems like described above, swap power supplies. If the other console fails with your power supply and yours now works - Defective Power Supply.


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